I was born in a family where creativity and artistic life have always had value. My father is an artist and my grandfather was also an artist. Mom is a philologist and teacher of language and literature. It was my family that laid in me a love and interest in art, a craving for discoveries and a humanitarian-analytical style of thinking. I think art in my genetic code
I was educated at the Russian State University, then I received a diploma in special child psychology, then a master's degree at the Russian Anthropological School (also RSUH). I received a candidate's degree of cultural studies at St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Philosophy.
I got my life experience working in a family business firm. I have done a lot of management and marketing there. I had to solve many different problems. It gave me unique knowledge based on real life.
In addition to work and study, I started my family life early, I got married and gave birth to a son. My husband and I adopted our second son. It was an important part of social activism for me. I advocated adoption in Russia. My son was from an orphanage for children of HIV-infected mothers, and our adoption experience opened the door for many children to find families. Now we already have three sons, the older ones have grown up, and the younger one is 7 years old.
Also, all my adult life I have been engaged in educational activities, I have taught at school, at universities, read many public lectures and held educational events, I developed educational professional programs.
Now I am a cultural anthropologist and researcher, teacher and cultural project manager, curator and artist.
In 2011, I opened an independent cultural center PUNKTUM focused on promoting culture and the arts, as well as LGBT+ activism and feminism. From 2012 to 2018, I was also engaged in the publication of books and comics, gave lectures, taught at the master's program at the Russian State University for the Humanities. Since 2019, I have been managing the Foundation Thursday, which is engaged in the development of professionals throughout Russia, and also implements social and art projects.
My expertise:
curating art projects
creation and management of culture and art projects
cultural project expertise
creation of engaging educational programs and events
creation and management of education systems for children and adults
development and management of online schools and educational programs
research in the field of corporate anthropology
involvement of volunteers and effective interaction with them
publishing process management.